A Hyper-Local Air Monitoring Network for Cheverly, MD
The Aeroqual AQY 1 is designed to be used as a single device or deployed in a network of monitors in an urban environment. Small, cost effective, and user friendly it can be used by air quality professionals and those who are new to the science of air quality measurement (like schools and community organizations).
AirBeam2 is a wearable air monitor that maps, graphs, and crowdsources your pollution exposures in real-time via the AirCasting Android app and AirCasting website.
PurpleAir sensors use a fan to draw air past a laser, causing reflections from any particles in the air. These reflections are used to count particles in six sizes between 0.3μm and 10μm diameter. Using one second particle counts, estimated total mass for PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10 is averaged by the PurpleAir Internet of Things (IOT) control board.
Seeking to address concerns regarding air pollution related to local industrial activities and traffic, the goal of this study is to develop a hyper-local air quality monitoring network in Cheverly, Maryland. The network will use low-cost real-time sensors to provide baseline air quality data that can be used for understanding pollution levels near sources of concern, educate residents, inform decision-making about future industrial expansion, and aid current mitigation efforts. Community concerns are focused on emissions from local industrial sites (e-waste and scrap metal recycling as well as concrete block and batch facilities) and commuter traffic in the region. The CEEJH team will utilize Airbeam, Purple Air, and Aeroqual sensors to measure air pollutants throughout the region. See below for more details.