The Environmental Justice (EJ) Radar is a Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) website designed for South Carolina residents to know and share environmental information about the burden of physical and social environmental hazards with linkage to health disparities. It is a product of a collaboration between the Low Country Alliance for Model Communities (LAMC), the Charleston Community Research to Action Board (CCRAB), the University of Maryland, and the University of South Carolina. The use of PPGIS will help residents map environmental health data, build capacity, and empower residents to be more engaged in environmental decision-making. The idea behind PPGIS is empowerment and inclusion of marginalized populations, who have little voice in the public arena, through geographic technology education and participation. PPGIS uses and produces digital maps, satellite imagery, sketch maps, and many other spatial and visual tools, to change geographic involvement and awareness on a local level.

CEEJH Center