EJ Plan 2025
The Environmental Justice Plan 2025 (EJ Plan 2025) provides a description of environmental justice issues in Prince George's County, Maryland. The plan highlights environmental justice concerns in five priority areas: 1) lead, 2) water quality, 3) food security, 4) cumulative impacts of environmental hazards, and 5) equitable development, zoning, and planning. This report provides recommendations on how to advance environmental justice in the County including: 1) the use of the Maryland EJSCREEN tool to assess areas that may have environmental justice risks; 2) meaningful involvement of impacted stakeholders in local environmental decision-making; 3) establishment of a county-wide Commission on Environmental Justice; 4) institute a moratorium on all permitting, zoning, and development activities in the County until all agencies are in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act; and 5) ensure that all decisions are evidence-based using sound scientific practices.
The full report can be read here: Environmental Justice Plan 2025 (EJ Plan 2025)