Letter for a Environmental Justice for All Act

On February 14th, 175 environmental and social justice organizations sent a letter in support of H.R. 2021 Environmental Justice for All Act to the House Natural Resources Committee.

Dr. Wilson’s excerpt from the article:

“Too many frontline and fenceline communities have been impacted by environmental injustice from climate injustice, energy injustice, food injustice, transportation injustice to water injustice,” said Dr. Sacoby Wilson, director, Center for Community Engagement, Environmental Justice and Health (CEEH). “It is time that everyone in the United States has access to clean air, clean water, safe food, healthy housing, equitable transit. Passage of the EJ for All Act will be a major step in addressing decades of environmental racism, decades of Jim Crow environmental policies, decades of extraction from the Earth and her peoples, and decades of inaction to the suffering of those communities facing toxic trauma.”

CEEJH Center